Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a job and a home and a new music video

punk and dogs
I looked at this page for the first time in a long while today and I felt a lot better about my current circumstances. Also I figured it'd be good to let all you nice people know that I'm longer jobless and homeless. 

My second attempt in 2009 to move to Oakland is far more successful than the first. I'm living in a house at 51st and Telegraph with three swell gents. Two of which are old dear friends; Jon and Winston. And I like Chris, my third roommate, more every day.  

My tiny room requires me to crawl through windows in the living room or walk through my roommates' room. But one step at a time since I do have a min wage job at this point, a cool min wage job but still. A second job is on the horizon I'm sure, but more time being Oakland has been kind to me. 

I'm working at an awesome restored 1935 movie theatre in El Cerrito. It used to be a speakeasy theatre but they went under. If you want you can read about the interesting story here. Its not going to be as cool before, but we will be serving beer and wine and delivering pizzas to the seats. Pretty awesome. 

Before I got hooked up with a job and a room (god bless good friends), I finished a new music video while in Placerville. Its for a band called Carcrashlander from Portland. My friends' Jon and Mimi Fee, who started a record label a couple years ago called Parks and Records, asked me to do it. I've said a few times to friends that I'm done with making music videos, but my boredom at that moment, lack of live shows, and being a fan of Cory Gray's previous band Desert City Soundtrack, I agreed. 

Here's the result, let me know what you think. Take care of yourself kids. 

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