Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Thoughts of a Reagan Baby on the Twilight of the 00's

The dollar is the weakest it’s been in a generations. Arguably the weakest it’s ever been. Two wars aren’t even saving our economy. Its purchasing power is decreasing as it inflates but we don’t see it reflected in the wages. Most of us make less money and buy more and more expensive items and gadgets. We decide things like cable TV, I phones, drugs (legal or illegal), fashionable clothes, ECT are necessary goods and not wants and desires.

So we shackle ourselves with debt. Imaginary money to buy things we don’t need and, this time of year, other’s things they don’t need. Credit, made from thin air, manipulated by a few that hold huge power over the masses. Yeah you can have it today but you’ll pay for it every month for 5 years.

Meanwhile we approach the anniversary of the unfathomable sized gift, we, the taxpayers gave the banking industry. The same men and women that will tighten their grip around the throat of the world. Endorsed and sold by the marketed face of hope.

Santa Claus belongs on the dollar bill. It’s the lie that continues because we willfully pass it along. There is no gold to backing your cash. There hasn’t been for nearly 100 years. It is just paper. Paper that increases or decreases value at the will of the gate holders at the Federal Reserve. And distributed as the bankers see fit.

None of this is an accident. And nether will be the giant economic collapse that is coming. It will be planned and it will be profitable. All the fingers will be pulled from the cracked dam at the same moment. Most likely by the same company that gets the contract to clean up the aftermath.

Rather than thinking about what it really means that both the paper and plastic in our pockets don’t correspond to anything, we dress up in red suits and white beards to swipe our cards as fast as we can. Cause I bet my Aunt doesn’t have an ipod shuffle in purple yet.

All that said enjoy your family and friends and your time. They are all you really have and what you can hopefully count on.

1 comment:

jedi tite said...

dead on. lately I've been wondering if we'll ever be able to keep up with the mess we're perpetuating...